How to Article: Plan a Camping Trip for a large group
It may be more work that you thought, but following these steps is sure to prove you know what you're doing!
Formulate a List of People to Invite
This number should be between 10-50
Note that group sites always have a minimum and maximum amount of people allowed
Send Out an Email to See Who is Actually interested
Once you have a range of people that are interested you can start looking at group sites based on numbers
Search for Places with Group Sites
Group sites are made to accommodate a large group with more space around the fire pit and a common eating area, these sites are usually detached from the main portion of the campground to control noise has a search engine with a specific setting to search for a group site
It is important to note that most group sites are *tent only* meaning you cant have RVs
Another important note
If the Park has an SB or SP, know that SB = State Beach and SP=State Park
A few places with group sites in California are
-Point Mugu State Park (9-50 people)
-Malibu Creek State Park (60 people max)
-Leo Carillo State Beach (50 people max)
-Carpinteria State Beach (65 people max)
It is important to reserve your group site in as much advance as possible. To be safe, reserve your site a few months prior.
Send out a quick survey email to check on dates
This is also a good time to give everyone a price estimate, you should be able to find the 'per night' price on the website of the campground or if you're using reserveamerica it should be there as well
Be specific - don't just ask "when is everyone available"
Give 3-4 date ranges and allow your friends to respond with what works best and - dates won't work at all
Check-in Time
Well deserving of a whole step...
Be sure to tell everyone in your group the appropriate check in time because if you arrive prior to checkin time, you'll have to wait outside the campground.
Meal Planning
Depending how many people are coming, make some sort of meal plan
When I go, all the families do their own breakfasts and lunches and then every night their is a potluck style dinner
It is important to bring as much of your own food as possible because local and camp store food is usually way overpriced
Plan a few activities
Plan a few activities that everyone can do during the day as a group
It prevents boredom and engages people
River rafting, hiking, campfire games, bike rides
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